So I had changed things up a bit over the past few months and had been trying my best to combine all my thoughts on food and life into one blog, but just like a bad break up, it just wasn't working out for's not you, really it's me.
So I decided to go back to the tried and true way of doing it....the blog that is. I can rattle on for hours about something I made or something I ate, something I want to eat, new restaurants, old favorites and anything food related, but when it comes to just blogging about my day, let's face it, I was boring myself. So Gregory Eats is back in business and Gregory Talks is also available as a link on the home page. When it comes to Gregory Talks, it really is about stories, rants and raves and observances of daily life. What I have found is that I don't update it as often because I have to edit myself and after editing and editing in my mind, I end up following the every mother's advice...if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. But sometimes, it just can't be helped...I have an opinion, you can read it if you want, you don't have to agree, it really is for the entertainment value found in the world around don't have to watch reality tv to see them (although I do) , you just have to look around's all around. So, let's talk about eating...that's what its all about here. Shawn was over for dinner on Monday night, and I made one of my favorite Weight Watcher meals. Stir Fried Beef with Fresh Ginger...I absolutely love it! It is so tasty, and so easy to make..if you can use a knife and open a couple packages...dinner is served in about 15 minutes flat. The weather was perfect for sitting outside on the patio and enjoying a glass of Pinot Grigio (Not Ramona Pinot Grigio for all my RHONY fans out there).... I've been working on some new recipes for a holiday entertaining story I'm doing for Home is Here magazine, so I've been making some trial runs at it and sending it out for's been pretty positive so far, and it's a good thing...the photo shoot is a week from tomorrow. Good thing I've got the Labor Day weekend to get it all perfected....oh and along with it...I have to decorate for Christmas......maybe the Christmas decorating will help me forget it's 90 degrees outside.
August 2013